Monday, April 16, 2012

Preperations/ finding things that the kids will enjoy!! and YOU!!??

So I have been thinking a reading a lot of homeschooling blogs for several months and something that I have noticed is that most homeschooling families follow a ciriculum that works for them.. And from my research I have found several circulums that I think are fabulous and they make perfect sense to me. However, most of the programs have preschool ideas or a little bit here and there and the ones that do offer it or are just a preschool program I am NOT willing to pay that for these programs when preschool is supposed to be fun and learning of your basic principals. So through my research I have found great blogs and wonderful Ideas some that we are already doing just because they are fun and my kids already enjoy them and they don't have to be a sit down and learn with mom type of thing..

Here is some of the things we have already started
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this fun little card index is basically free and right now we are just doing the alphabet but I have made all the cards and when the time comes to do blends and make words we have these. I got this off of PINTREST and the blog site for this is who got them from this original blog and they both blogs have a ton of other fun things to do..

Here is another fun thing we have started
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This is a very inexpensive little project. All it is is popsical sticks and velcro. My children and I make fun shapes and letters and really the possibilities with these are endless. Love this idea. Original blog she also has alot of fun little Ideas

I want to incorperate so much into my kids preschool experiences, and am really excited to get started.

My next post will be on different websites I like for printables and such.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lets do Homeschooling?!

So I have always wanted a large family, with the home full of love and happiness. I love being a mother, but I did not know that I would LOVE being a mother so much that I would consider NOT sending them to PUBLIC SCHOOL. I have had the thought of homeschooling since I was pregnant with my first child.. Due to some post pardom issues I had after my second I started second guessing my self on homeschooling, and just being a mother in general, post pardom is a really thing and it can do crazy things to your mind. So my oldest turned 3 last Febuary and preschool topic came about, I knew at that time with still coming off of post pardom that I could NOT do homeschooling, I was scared because I didn't know if I could do it. So off we sent Jenntry to go to preschool with some of her little friends.. I absoultly LOVE the preschool that Jenntry attends and oviously she would go another year.. Well due to some circumstances we are looking into homeschooling once agian, and I am feeling much better as a mother. So I decided to document what I am doing to prepare for homeschooling a preschooler and then when we get going what I will be doing so here we go..